Nature-Based Solutions to Urban Challenges of Climate Change



18 June 2019


Nature-Based Solutions present a promising approach to address current issues cities need to deal with in the face of climate change and the ongoing pressures of urbanization. The concept aims at providing socially inclusive and environmentally sustainable practices of public space management.
In his talk, Mr. Effenberger will provide an overview of the concept of Nature-Based Solutions and their use in Europe. Insights from two case studies (Eindhoven, the Netherlands and Tampere, Finland) will be presented and linked to notions of sustainability transition theory. In the discussion possible implications for the Yerevan context are explored together with the audience.
The talk is organized as a part of GAtES project (, financed through DAAD, the German Academic Exchange Service, with funds from the German Federal Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ)

Niklas Effenberger holds a M.Sc. in Bioeconomy and a B.Sc. in Renewable Resources and Bioenergy, both obtained at the University of Hohenheim, Germany. Since November 2018, Mr. Effenberger has been employed as a scientific member of staff at the Chair of Societal Transition and Agriculture where he is involved with research on the governance of Nature-Based Solutions in urban and peri-urban environments. Previously, he spent one year at the Fraunhofer Institute of Industrial Engineering in the research group on Innovative Urban Governance where possible ways of transitioning European cities towards integrative management practices of public space are being explored. From 2015 to 2017, he was affiliated with the Chair of Environmental Management of the University of Hohenheim and focused on questions regarding the implementation of environmental management systems in public institutions and SMEs. From 2013 to 2015 Mr. Effenberger spent two years as a research assistant at the Chair of Life-Cycle Assessment of the University of Stuttgart which specializes on environmental impact assessments of industrial products and services.


Speaker Info:

Niklas Effenberger, University of Hohenheim



Public Talk


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