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Following the Youth and Civil Society Workshop which took place in the Getik Valley, the workshop participants were invited to develop project proposals (with the assistance of the mentors) in the field of sustainable energy which would be implemented in their communities.

A Grant Committee was formed which assisted in the development of the project proposal evaluation criteria and then evaluate the presented proposals. A document was developed which contained the project evaluation criteria, as well as important deadlines, information on the project proposal eligibility, as well as the selection process (For details, click here). The project proposals were then assessed through several criteria by the Grant Committee. A threshold was set, as part of the selection process, the proposal would receive an average of more than 50% of the maximum score to be considered to receive funding.

Fourteen (14) project proposals were submitted for evaluation.

After the collection of the proposal evaluations from the Grant Committee, a meeting was arranged for October 27 in Chambarak by the Academy organizers with representatives of the teams that submit their project proposals. This was to get a better understanding of how the teams expect their projects would be realized (including assessing whether some of the proposed projects could be realistically implemented in time for the National Wrap-Up Festival on December 1 in Chambarak), as well as discussing and suggesting other measures on how to make the Academy & the projects more impactful. Following this meeting, a “preliminary” list of winning teams were selected, the list of preliminary winning teams were based on the following:

  1. Highest scores given by the Grant Committee
  2. The project can realistically be completed within a certain timeframe (i.e. in the Academy 2018 case, within 4 weeks)

Out of the fourteen (14) submitted project proposals, 11 were preliminarily accepted.

The preliminary winning teams were given feedback and amendment suggestions for their proposals. The feedback and suggestions were primarily given to raise the impact of these projects (among other issues, such as improving the project proposals). The winning teams had to address these suggestions and feedback and make necessary changes in their project proposals, as well as agreeing to take part in upcoming activities within Academy 2018, in order to finally receive a small grant.

Of the 11 preliminarily accepted proposals, nine (9) teams submit the amended proposals or agreed on the comments. These nine teams were awarded small grants to implement the projects.

The nine grant-winning teams implemented their projects and had to prepare a presentation in time for the National Wrap-Up Festival on December 1 in Chambarak.