Waste Policy Armenia

The 4-year Program funded by Sweden aims to improve Armenia’s waste management sector capacity to implement more environmentally sound waste management policies through three components.

Component 1 – Introducing EPR system for special waste streams (support to RA Ministry of Environment to implement CEPA requirements)

Component 2 – Developing source separation national model and introducing it as a system in Sevan Town and other pilot municipalities (support to RA Ministry of Territorial Administration and Infrastructures)

Component 3 – Building sector capacities to implement Component 1 and Component 2, as well as to scale up the achieved Program results.

FAQ on EPR Download the Policy Brief on Introduction of EPR in Armenia Leave your feedback or question to the program team


Primary beneficiaries

– RA Ministry of Environment (MoE)
– RA Ministry of Territorial Administration and Infrastructure (MTAI)
– Sevan Municipality

Other beneficiaries

– RA Ministry of Economy
– RA Statistical Committee
– Private sector in the target municipalities
– Businesses (producers, waste operators, potentially PRO)
– Landfill and Waste Handling Operator in Gegharkunik province
– Recyclers
– CSOs working in environmental sector
– Educational institutions
– Media organizations

Output 1.1 EPR model defined for specific waste streams (to serve a basis for formulating the legal framework)

Output 1.2 Draft EPR Legislation (ERP law aligned with EU waste legislation and best practices + amendments to other primary and secondary legislation needed to align with and support EPR system implementation)

Output 1.3 Technical documentation for waste data reporting and management system meeting EPR system needs

Output 1.4 Necessary equipment for waste data reporting and management system meeting EPR system needs

Output 1.5 Monitoring and Reporting system for EPR (based on existing national legislation and international good practice)

Output 1.6 EPR implementation Road-map

Output 2.1 National technical guidance (Model) for waste source separation

Output 2.2 Operational plan for new source separation in the target municipality

Output 2.3 Procurement management and technical documentation

Output 2.4 Necessary equipment for source separation system in the pilot municipality procured and installed

Output 2.5 New institutional set-up in the pilot municipality to run the new source separation system

Output 2.6 Monitoring and Reporting system for separate waste collection (based on existing national legislation and international good practice)

Output 3.1 Baseline assessment completed to identify awareness and capacity gaps (including gender equality and HR gaps) for adopting sustainable waste management practices in the sector (download)

Output 3.2 Built capacities for the AUA, Program partners, and other sector stakeholders for Gender mainstreaming and Human Rights Based Approach (HRBA)

Output 3.3 Built EPR-related capacities for sector stakeholders, including technical documentation, guidelines, and trained stakeholders

Output 3.4 Built capacities for the local authorities to conduct more participatory (gender and HR sensitive) and sustainable planning of local waste management, including new source separation systems (to support implementation of MSW Management Strategy 2021-2023)

Output 3.5 Built capacities for CSOs, including women organizations to monitor and influence the Program outcomes

Output 3.6 Built capacities for waste handling and recovery businesses to implement environmentally and socially sound (gender and HR sensitive) waste management

Output 3.7 Raising public awareness to support activities in Component 1 and 2 and delivery of the Program Objectives

Output 3.8 Policy Dialogue established across the sector to support the activities in Component 1 and 2 and delivery of the Program Objectives

Output 3.9 Proposal(s) for the application of the technical contributions under Components 1 in national waste investment planning

Output 3.10 Proposal(s) for the application of the technical contributions under Components 2 in national waste investment planning

Admin team

– Harutyun Alpetyan, Program Manager
– Vartouhi Yessaian, Program Coordinator
– Tsoler Bezdjian, Financial Specialist 

Expert team

– Sonya Msryan, National Stakeholder Engagement Expert
Arpine Haroyan, Communications Expert
– Mher Sahakyan, Capacity Building Expert
– Siranush Harutyunyan, Monitoring and Evaluation Expert
– Kiryakos Parpounas, International EPR Expert
– John Glazebrook, International Waste Governance and Circular Economy Expert

Creative team

– Nune Khudaverdyan, Graphic Designer
– Deem Communications, Consultancy

Legal expert team

– Srbuhi Ghazaryan, Lead Legislation Expert
– Olimpia Geghamyan, Legislation Expert
– Heghine Grigoryan, Legislation Expert
– Anna Karapetyan, Legislation Expert
Emma Mnatsakanyan, Junior Legislation Expert

Human rights and Gender equality expert team

– Anahit Simonyan, National Gender and Human Rights Expert
– Laura Prokic, International Gender Expert/Trainer

Reality Lab on bio-waste

– Lusine Nalbandyan, Reality Lab Supervisor
– Taga Torosyan, Junior Researcher

Reality Lab on PP GIS-supported waste sorting design

– Aghavni Harutyunyan, Reality Lab Supervisor
– Gohar Shahinyan, Junior GIS Research

Reality Lab on Awareness Raising 

– Gohar Mnatsakanyan, Reality Lab Supervisor

Junior expert team

– Shushanik Babayan, Junior Waste Management Expert
Argishti Darbinyan, Junior Waste Management Expert

Work Study AUA Students

– Diana Tumasyan, BA in Data Science
– Gohar Geghamyan, BA in Politics and Governance 

Sounding Board

– Jadranka Ivanova, International EPR Expert

Steering Board composition

– RA Ministry of Environment
– RA Ministry of Territorial Administration and Infrastructure
– American University of Armenia

Advisory Committee composition

– National Government
– Business associations
– Civil Society Organizations
– Academia
– International Organizations
– EU


In the framework of WPA Program, the American University of Armenia is procuring goods and services. The currently open and upcoming tender announcements are posted on a dedicated webpage.

All details and requirements are available in the respective documents published on this page. For additional questions, please contact us at [email protected]

The Program currently accepts applications for the following positions:

– Reality Lab Supervisor (see details and apply)

– Economic and Financial Analysis Expert (see details and apply)

– Community Outreach Expert (see details and apply)

– Junior Expert (see details and apply)

– Field Officer (see details and apply)

Implementation of EPR system in Armenia (Stakeholder Consultation with business community, Feb23, 2023)

Public Discussion on Waste Source Separation in Sevan (Stakeholder Communication Event, Feb22, 2023)

Implementation of EPR system in the framework of EU-CEPA (Stakeholder Communication Event, Nov15, 2022)

Waste Policy Armenia Kick-off (Program Media Kick-off Event, Oct28, 2022)